I am a professional photographer with a studio in the heart of Varese. I decided to devote myself to this profession in early 2007, driven by a strong passion, after having pursued a training course mainly of an experiential nature. I try to give my images different shades, not trivial, the result of my research and personal sensitivity. I am an attentive observer of everything that surrounds me, I explore the world with always new amazement and curiosity. Currently he is a teacher in numerous photography courses as a photographer
Davide Dian
As a photographer I have been active for over twenty-five years and in the course of my career I have experimented most of the photographic genres. My first love was naturalistic and landscape photography and at the end of the Nineties I made several services for travel magazines and nature on the national territory. These include Bella Italia, Bella Europa, Itineraries and Places, Airone, L’Orso. I later became keen on the kind of reportage that I introduced in a creative way in marriage services with the dynamic storytelling and storytelling approach. Weddings are real events to tell the facts of moments to grasp, details to emphasize and emotions to record. Reportage can make this story intense and vibrant. Currently they alternate the activity of matrimonialist photographer with that of tutor in travels and photography workshops in Italy and in the world.